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Yi ‘11’ Zhou (b. 2002), is a Chinese background photographer grown up in Naarm (Melbourne) Australia. They practise mainly focused on gender and culture identities, through an experimental documentary and mockumentary apporach. They also explore them-self from a bi-racial point of view, using photography as a way to navigate their position in the community.

周 '11' 艺(出生于2002年),是一名在澳大利亚墨尔本(Naarm)成长的华裔摄影师,她站在真实与虚假的缝隙里,以纪实与伪纪实的方式在摄影作品中表达自身对性别认知与文化认同的态度。作为第三种族人群,她将摄影作为沟通世界的方法,试图挖掘并理清自身在社群中的位置。

Born in Dubai, raised by Chinese parents, and migrated to Australia at a young age, ‘11’s’ practice uses art-making as an anchor point for their becoming in this world. Sitting at the intersection between documentary and mockumentary, they experiment with materials of cultural identity, queer bodies, family, memories, and collective identity within their transnational communities. Through the use of lens-based media, installation, bookmaking, and found objects, they expand positionality as an emerging artist within a Western art world by sitting with the troubles of their bilingual background, gender fluidity, and collaboration with their romantic partners. This practice-led methodology stems from opposition against cultural censorship, taboos around the woman body, as well as imperialist values within the institutionalised art world.




2023: ‘As We Lay On This Land’ , Group Exhibition, curated by Isabella Capezio for IDEA Gallery, Melbourne.
2023: ‘Robyn Beech Award’ , Group Exhibition, finalist, Melbourne.